Are God’s Words and Work All in the Bible?

The Lord Is My Shepherd
7 min readNov 17, 2019


Question 1:

You say that the Lord Jesus has already arrived. He’s Almighty God and He’s doing the work of judgment. But we’ve always maintained that God’s words and work are contained in the Bible, and that they don’t exist outside the Bible. We believe that belief in the Lord can’t stray from the Bible. Through the Bible, we’ll enter the kingdom of heaven. Is anything wrong with this understanding?


Many say that all God’s words and work are within the Bible, and that it contains God’s full salvation, and that God’s words and work will not appear outside the Bible. The religious world believes this. It seems no one can truly ascertain if this view is valid. In the past, we treated all issues according to the Bible. However, does this religious world’s view accord with the Bible or with God’s word? No! Lord Jesus never said anything like that in the Bible, nor did the Holy Spirit ever speak so. So where does this idea come from? It can be said with certainty that this notion comes from man’s imagination. We all know both Testaments of the Bible record two stages of God’s work. As for God’s words and work during the Age of Law and the Age of Grace, do any dare say the Bible records all? Do any dare say all God’s words delivered through prophets in the Age of Law and all of the Lord Jesus’ words in the Age of Grace are in the Bible? Actually, people are all well aware that many of Lord Jesus’ words are not recorded in the Bible. The words of Lord Jesus within the Bible are just the tip of the iceberg! Many of the prophets’ books in the Age of Law are also not included in the Bible. This is commonly acknowledged. How could people say all God’s words and work are recorded within the Bible? Does this not contradict all fact? In this sense, are they not liars? Lord Jesus foretold He would come again. How could the returned Lord Jesus’ words be recorded in the Bible ahead of time? We should be very clear: The Bible is a record of God’s work performed in the past. Many years since the writing of the Old Testament, Lord Jesus did the work of redemption during the Age of Grace. Would the Lord Jesus’ words automatically get written down? That would be impossible! God’s words and work had to be compiled before they could be in the Bible. In the last days, Almighty God has come to do judgment starting from God’s house and has expressed truths to save mankind. Could these truths automatically appear in the Bible? The Church of Almighty God compiles all truths Almighty God expresses into the Bible of the Age of Kingdom — The Word Appears in the Flesh. This Bible of the Age of Kingdom contains only the expression of God with none of man’s words inside. We say The Word Appears in the Flesh is the eternal way of life given by God in the last days. The view that God’s words and work are all within the Bible, and that God’s words and work won’t appear elsewhere is not true, absurd, and completely the product of man’s notions and imaginations. Do we all agree with these facts?

Let’s read from Almighty God’s words to further clarify. Almighty God says, “All that is recorded within the Bible is limited and unable to represent all the work of God. The Four Gospels have fewer than one hundred chapters altogether in which are written a finite number of happenings, such as Jesus cursing the fig tree, Peter’s three denials of the Lord, Jesus appearing to the disciples following His crucifixion and resurrection, teaching about fasting, teaching about prayer, teaching about divorce, the birth and genealogy of Jesus, Jesus’ appointment of the disciples, and so forth. These are but a few writings, yet man values them as treasures, even verifying the work of today against them. They even believe that Jesus only did so much in the time after His birth. It is as if they believe God can only do this much, that there can be no further work. Is this not ludicrous?

At the time, Jesus only spoke to His disciples a series of sermons in the Age of Grace, such as how to practice, how to gather together, how to ask in prayer, how to treat others, and so forth. The work He carried out was that of the Age of Grace, and He expounded only on how the disciples and those who followed Him ought to practice. He did only the work of the Age of Grace and none of the last days. … The work of God in each age has clear boundaries; He does only the work of the current age and never does He carry out the next stage of work in advance. Only in this way can His representative work of each age be brought to the fore. Jesus had spoken only of the signs of the last days, of how to be patient and how to be saved, how to repent and confess, as well as how to bear the cross and endure suffering; never did He speak of what man in the last days should enter into or how to seek to satisfy God’s will. As such, would it not be an act of fallacy to search within the Bible for God’s work of the last days? What can you discern merely holding the Bible in your hands? Be it an interpreter of the Bible or a preacher, who can foreknow the work of today?

If you wish to see the work of the Age of Law, and to see how the Israelites followed the way of Jehovah, then you must read the Old Testament; if you wish to understand the work of the Age of Grace, then you must read the New Testament. But how do you see the work of the last days? You must accept the leadership of the God of today, and enter into the work of today, for this is the new work, and no one has previously recorded it in the Bible. … The work of today is a path that man has never walked, and a way that no one has ever seen. It is work that has never been done before — it is God’s latest work on earth. … Who could have recorded every single bit of today’s work, without omission, in advance? Who could record this mightier, wiser work that defies convention in the moldy old book? The work of today is not history, and as such, if you wish to walk the new path of today, then you must depart from the Bible, you must go beyond the books of prophecy or history in the Bible. Only then will you be able to walk the new path properly, and only then will you be able to enter into the new realm and the new work.

Some people say that they mustn’t ever forsake the Bible in their faith, and only by adhering to the Bible may they enter the kingdom of heaven. Is it right? The Lord Jesus has never said that only through the Bible can man enter God’s kingdom. As for entrance into His kingdom, He said, “Not every one that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). The Lord Jesus put it clearly: Only those that do the will of the heavenly Father shall enter God’s kingdom. To those who say only by clinging to the Bible may they enter God’s kingdom, let’s think: Does adhering to it mean doing the heavenly Father’s will? Can the Bible stand in for the work of the Holy Spirit? Without the work of the Holy Spirit, can man achieve salvation? Can the Bible alone cleanse man’s corrupt disposition? Can the Bible change his life disposition? By understanding the Bible alone, can man know God? No way! As everyone knows, the Pharisees understood the Bible. But why did they nail Lord Jesus to the cross? When the Lord Jesus came, why did He curse the Pharisees, those great Bible interpreters? Does clinging to the Bible mean people know God’s voice? Does it mean they’ve been raptured before God’s throne? Does it bring them to the feast of the Lamb? The Lord Jesus said, “Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And you will not come to me, that you might have life” (John 5:39–40). People substitute the Bible for the Lord and the words and work of His return. Isn’t that a betrayal of the Lord? Are they servants of the Lord or servants to the Bible? Are they serving the Lord or serving the Bible? If we don’t grasp the relationship between them, how do we ever expect to know Him? They put blind faith in the Bible to bring eternal life, and yet they fail to obey and worship the Lord. Is this not the path the Pharisees walked? Didn’t the Pharisees all worship the Bible, not the Lord? Did they not nail the Lord to the cross, incurring curses of the Lord? This is fact. There’s no denying it. Yet people say through the Bible they’ll enter God’s kingdom, is this not just absurd? Some have served for years as elders and pastors, yet still hold such absurd views. How are they any different from those hypocritical Pharisees? People’ve believed for years and still don’t understand. After years of faith, man should know the Lord’s will. His return is to deliver all saints to His kingdom. As to how the Lord delivers the saints, no one is quite sure. The Lord Jesus has said the wise virgins who hear the bridegroom’s voice shall go with the Lord to the feast. This proves that when the Lord comes again during the last days, those who have heard His voice and have gone with Him to the feast shall be taken into His kingdom.

from the movie script of Who Is My Lord



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