Matthew 5:6 — Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness Shall Be Filled

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
The teaching of the Lord Jesus reminded me of the prophecy mentioned in Revelation that “I will give to him that is thirsty of the fountain of the water of life freely.” All those who seek the truth, hunger and thirst for righteousness will receive the provision of living water of life and be sated in their spirit when they come before God. It’s necessary for man to have an active seeking heart. Just as God’s words say, “God directs His word to all people. If you are willing to read it, He will enlighten you, but if you are not, He will not. God enlightens those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, and those who seek Him. … God has spoken much, so you should do your utmost to eat and drink of His word. Without realizing it, you will come to understand and the Holy Spirit will enlighten you. When the Holy Spirit enlightens man, it is often without man’s awareness. He enlightens and guides you when you thirst and seek. The principle by which the Holy Spirit works is centered on the word of God of which you eat and drink.” “If someone always feels like he can’t eat or drink enough of God’s word, if he always seeks it and hungers and thirsts for it, the Holy Spirit will always do work upon him. The more someone yearns, the more practical things can come out of his fellowship. The more intensely someone seeks the truth, the more quickly his life grows, giving him rich experience and making him a wealthy man in the house of God.” From God’s words we can see, God treasures and enlightens those who long for and seek the truth. Meanwhile, this is a must practice for us seeking the appearance of God. For example, during the age when the Lord Jesus did His work, the scribes and Pharisees who abided by the Bible and were unwilling to seek the work and words of the Lord Jesus missed the chance to accept the provision of the Lord Jesus’ words. While those who thirsted for the work and words of the Lord Jesus received the provision of the living water of life and obtained the guidance of the work of the Holy Spirit. This is a huge practical example. In the Bible God prophesied many times that the Lord Jesus has words for us during His second coming in the last days. And whether we could gain these words or not needs our active seeking, for the Lord Jesus said, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you.” Though many people are afraid of being deceived by false Christs and antichrists in the last days, God will surely lead us to find His work and words if we are willing to seek.
From: Grow in Christ
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